The challenge
To optimise the user experience for the customer service centre.

Sydney Water customer service agents had no visibility of customer's account and their water usage, which led to frustration and delays in servicing customer's.
Contextual research and co-design sessions were conducted with customer service agents to understand if a single point of view of a customer's account would be of benefit?
A user-centred approach was adapted to design and develop a single view of a customer's account using Salesforce/SAP Fiori framework. This would only display the most relevant information to customer service agents and help optimise the servicing of customers. 

There will be a reduction of 5-10 minutes in customer servicing time, through the single point view of the customers account.
Stakeholder workshop and journey mapping sessions
User personas
Opportunities /User needs
User testing & validation of design solutions 
Design solutions - Prototypes

A single point of view of the customers account was developed, which would enable customer service agents to service customer enquiries faster and reduce their interaction with multiple systems. Design concepts were tested with focus groups and customer service agents to highlight any pain points and deliver an iterative solution.
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